Poet Shin Yu Pai will be at Indie Coffee
- Last day of Art House's Ansley West photography exhibit, 404.377.5002
- 7:15pm: Georgia Center for the Book presents Howard Norman. The prize-winning author returns with his sixth novel, Devotion, a quirky, powerful story set in his beloved Nova Scotia that demonstrates how love endures in spite of all, Decatur Library, 404.378.8450
- 7:30pm: Indie Coffee and Books hosts poet Shin Yu Pai, a Dallas-area poet who will be among the presenters at the Association of Writing Professionals meeting in Atlanta and has published six books of poetry. The event is co-sponsored by Poets and Writers, the New York-based organization that promotes readings by established writers throughout the U.S. Pai will read from her books, and autographed copies will be available, 404.378.7710
- 8pm: Eddie's Attic celebrates the CD Release of Evan McHugh and Garrett Moore, 404.377.4976
- 8:30pm: Java Monkey hosts its Wednesday Blugrass night, 404.378.5002