Monday, November 03, 2008
We've Moved!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Coming up at Alcove Gallery
The Seen Gallery: Atlanta to Baghdad
Manuel Llaneras 2004: Atlanta to Baghdad

Presented in Conjunction with Atlanta Celebrates Photogaphy
Friday, September 19, 2008
Sycamore Gallery
ArtistLecture and Opening Sept 25 6:30-9 (Lecture begins at 7:15)
The exhibit will be from Sept 25-Nov 6
Viewiing Times:Wednesday afternoons 3-5
Friday afternoons 2-5 (except October 24)
By Appointment by Calling Virginia DuPre at 404-272-3890
Barbara Hughes is an artist and teacher who has offered workshops on art andspirituality for over 30 years for the Episcopal Church and in a variety ofother settings. Herself a survivor of childhood sexual violence, she has usedart in many forms as a central tool in her own healing journey, and with othertrauma survivors.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Vinson Gallery presents The Irreverent Art of Skip Williamson

Please join us on Friday, August 29th, for an artist's reception from 6 to 9 PM. Enjoy hors d'oeuvres by Badda Bing! and Peroni beer, meet Skip, and take home a painting, print, or a comic book signed by the man himself.
Skip will also give a presentation at the AJC Decatur Book Festival on Saturday, August 30, at 3 PM on the City Hall Stage.
The exhibition continues through September 27th.Gallery hours are Wed-Sat: 12 - 6 and by appointment.We'll be open until 9 PM every Saturday in September forDecatur Concerts on the Square.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
DAA Hearts Pete the Cat

Pete the Cat was walking down the street in his new white shoes singing, "I love my white shoes, I love my white shoes," when…Oh, no…Pete stepped in a large pile of…
Journey II at Junor Gallery

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
Art Decade at Vinson Gallery

Monday, June 02, 2008
Junor Gallery: A Slice of Caribbean Art

Upcoming Event at Mingei
Photos of Karen people from the Thailand Burma border
Opening reception
Mingei World Arts
Sunday, June 8

in refugee camps along the Thailand -Burma border in 2005.
The Karen, an ethnic minority group which comprises 1 in 7 of the Burmese population, has been fighting for independence from Burma for more than 50 years. As the fighting has intensified in the last 20 years, many Karen have fled to refugee camps in Thailand and hundreds of thousands more are displaced within Burma. Some Karen refugees are now being resettled in the metro-Atlanta area.
Gregory Scarborough is the founder and director of Cultural Cornerstones, an organization based in Decatur, Georgia which focuses on protecting cultural rights and cultural heritage for refugees and internally displaced peoples in emergency -affected communities. For the past eight years, he has worked extensively with Gypsy populations in Macedonia, with Kurds in Turkish Kurdistan and along the Thailand Burma border documenting life, musical traditions, and the struggle of these people against cultural assimilation and human rights abuses. This work has resulted in two collections of recordings of traditional music, “The Shutka Music Project,” (2001) and “Chave Mini, You Are My Eyes: Songs from Turkish Kurdistan” (Cultural Cornerstones, 2002). Both of these are available for sale at Mingei World Arts.
In 2005, Cultural Cornerstones began working with Karen refugees who have fled from Burma into refugee camps in Thailand to facilitate the protection of their cultural heritage and cultural rights. While in the camps Cultural Cornerstones worked with youth and elders to record a CD of music in Mae La and Umphiem Mai camps which demonstrates the flourishing of their traditions and also tells the story of their struggle through new musical compositions. Gregory Scarborough's report and photo essay from this mission was published in the Fall issue of Cultural Survival.
Cultural Cornerstones is now working to raise money to print a CD of Karen music Greg has recorded along the border. We will be playing this music on June 8, and showing authentic Karen instruments. 10% of all sales that day will go to Cultural Cornerstones.
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Decatur Arts Festival is Here!

Saturda, May 24-Sunday May 25 Decatur Arts Festival: Artist Market
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Katrina, Katrina Tonight!
"Live documentary" performance that addresses and embodies the unfathomable loss and love felt by so many about New Orleans.
Pearsonwidrig Dance Theater includes creative input from displaced New Orleanians, now relocated to Atlanta through a series of workshops on May 14-16.
For information about the performance, call Several Dancers Core at 404.373.4154.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sycamore Gallery Presents:

Opening reception featuring Atlanta resident and artist Rose M Barron, Friday May 23 from 7pm until 10pm.Refreshments will be served. Music entertainment will be provided. Everyone is welcome.
For additional information:please contact Sylvia Cross at 404 352 5938 or Rose M Barron 404 274 3227
Sycamore Place Gallery
120 Sycamore PlaceDecatur, GA 30030
404 377 7747 or 404 352 5938
Sycamore Place Gallery is located at 120 Sycamore Place, at the intersection of Commerce Drive, across from Capre Diem in Decatur.
From the Seen Gallery:
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Jill Celeste Gallery Presents...
May 17-June 30
Katy Dement's Art Camp at Sycamore Place
Tuesday June 17-20 & June23- 27 from 1-4pm.
This includes a sketching field trip,jewelry,papermaking,print making,& found object sculptures! The camp concludes with a gallery exhibition of Katy's & the campers' artwork with an opening reception on Friday June 27 from 4-7pm.
One week is $140 & both is $260.
Call 404 627-2209 or email
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Vinson Gallery Happenings

Private view for patrons -Thursday, May 22, 6 - 9 PM
please R.S.V.P. by email or phone
Opening reception - Friday, May 23, 5 to 10 PM
during the Decatur ArtWalk - featuring DJ Jamad
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
Function Presents...

The show concept began after Cooper nearly lost an eye in the summer of '07. The paintings are a celebration of vision and the visual symbology flags connote � utilizing color, composition and references to battles and independence. The flags were designed as gifts to friends locally and internationally as part of the project.
Local seamsters and seamstresses formed an ad hoc "Betsy Ross Society" to sew remnant fabrics together and contribute in their own personal ways to Cooper's textile designs for "Flagship Mark."
FUNCTION508 Howard AveDecatur, GA 30030404-524-3075
Monday, April 28, 2008
Summer Classes at Sycamore Gallery
week I: May 27-29 Jack the dripper/Abstract Expressionism/Jackson Pollack
week 2:June 2-6 Grimm's Fairy Tale Illustration
week3:June 9-13 Go Gauguin & Cezanne/Islands & Fruit
week 3June 16-20 :Picasso & Matisse/Paris Tea Party Hats
week 4:June 23-27 Paper Dolls & Marisol/Gallery Show!
week 5:July 1July 3:Finster's Folk & Flag Art
week 6: July 7-11:Mexican Murals of Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera
week 7:July 14-18 Georgia O'Keefe and the Desert Rose
week 8: July 21-25 Michelangelo's Grocery List
week 9:July 28-August 1Architecture And ARTchitecture
week 10: August 4-8 Surrealism & A Midsummernight's Fairy Dream
week a:Aug 12-14 The Tropical Rainforest Butterflies & Trees
week b:Romare Bearden Paints to Jazz!
week c:Eric Carle Collage
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
You're Invited

The Decatur Arts Alliance invites you to kick off the 20th Annual Decatur Arts Festival at the Decatur Arts Festival Poster Unveiling.
Be among the first to see the 2008 Decatur Arts Festival poster, featuring a painting by Decatur artist Corey Barksdale. Meet the artist and take home a signed copy of the festival poster. Enjoy complimentary wine and food, and show your support for the arts by joining the Decatur Arts Alliance.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Junor Gallery is proud to present
Monday, April 07, 2008
Junor Gallery

114 E. Ponce de Leon Ave.
Decatur, GA 30030
Gallery Hours
Sun. 12-5, Tues. 11-6, Wed. 11-6, Thur. 11-7, Fri. 11-6
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Public Art Bicycle Safari - April 6
Join other bicycle riders as they explore the oldest sections of Atlanta and discover wall murals, sculpture and art parks. The course is 22 miles and slow-paced. The Bike Ride will start and finish at The Seen Gallery, and you are invited to a special viewing of the Seen Gallery with complimentary coffee and light refreshments served before the ride. There are moderate hills and lots of stops to view the public art. Bring your camera and submit your best photo for publication.
The neighborhoods are: Oakhurst, Kirkwood, Lake Claire, Reynoldstown, Cabbagetown, Inman Park, Little 5 Points, Sweet Auburn, Downtown, Midtown, Piedmont Park, Freedom Parkway, and Candler Park.
The course is never far from a Marta Station. Lunch will be in Oakhurst after the ride. No ride if raining or below 40 degrees. The ride is posted on the Southern Bicycle League website ( ). We encourage you to go to the website and peruse this and other activities sponsored by this organization!! For more information call Tom Morris at 404-289-3780 For more information, email Tom Morris, or call 404-289-3780.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The Seen Gallery: Christopher Boehm

Christopher's Landscapes transport you to the locales portrayed on the canvases. His subtle use of color brings the landscape to life. Don't be surprised if you look into his work and it looks right back out at you.
A Wisconsin native, Christopher majored in Art at the University of Wisconsin, He has instructed classes in computer graphics at Reinhardt College in Waleska, Georgia and has taught drawing and painting for the Cherokee County Arts Council. He has also enjoyed a successful career in 3 dimensional graphic design and illustration. Mr. Boehm has won numerous awards for painting in Georgia and throughout the southeast, including the Grumbacher Gold Medal for painting at the 29th Annual Central South Art Exhibition in Nashville, Tennessee. Christopher also served several years on the Cherokee County Arts Council Board of Directors and was President of the Visual Arts League of Cherokee County from 1993 through 1995.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Avondale Arts Alliance Benefit

Friday, February 08, 2008
Studio Night at The Seen
6-10 p.m.

Come watch your favorite artists Including Christopher Boehm, Amy Bradford, James Dean, Madli Kirchhoff and Lorri Martinez, create works of art for your enjoyment. Madli Kirchoff's amazing pen and ink drawings will be featured for your enjoyment.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Classes at Sycamore Gallery
Monday,Feb 4 Serious Sketchers Ages 12-16 from 6:15-7:15 pm 4 weeks
Monday Feb.4 Adult Abstract Acrylics Ages 17-71 from 7:30-9pm 4 weeks
Wed.Feb. 6 Multi Media, includes drawing,painting,clay.collage.bookmaking and more!
Ages 4-9 from 3;15-4:30PM 4 weeks
Wed.Feb5 6 Serious Sketchers Ages 9-12 from 4:45-6pm 4 weeks
Please call 404 377 7747 to register.Thank you!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The Art Institute of Atlanta-Decatur Gallery Debuts
The 86th Annual Art Directors Club (ADC) Awards Exhibition will be the debut exhibit at the Gallery at The Art Institute of Atlanta-Decatur on January 15. The exhibit will be on view through February 12. A reception will be held from 5 to 7 pm on Friday, February 8, as part of the quarterly Decatur ArtWalk. The reception and exhibit are open to the public at no charge.
Each year the Art Directors Club sends its International Annual Awards Exhibition on a worldwide tour. From New York to Sao Paolo, London to Beijing – and Atlanta, the exhibition of gold, silver, and distinctive merit winners are viewed by thousands.
This fascinating annual exhibit shows the work of gold and silver medalists in the oldest and largest international awards competition in the United States. Initiated in 1920, The Art Directors Club Annual Awards Exhibition celebrates the best work in advertising, interactive media, graphic design, illustration, and photography. This year, the top Gold Cube medalist in advertising was TBWAChiatDay for Skittles candy, and the Gold Cube medalist in Interactive Media is R/GA for the Nike + campaign. Five finalists in the Hybrid category were honored for the year’s most innovative, ground-breaking work. The newest category was the Corbis Creativity for Social Justice Award, presented to the top-scoring professional entry produced on a pro bono basis. The award went to The Walker Agency of Zurich, Switzerland, for its pro bono work on Amnesty International, and to a Pratt Institute student in New York for her project for Trees New York, a New York City-based not-for-profit environmental group.
The exhibit will be in The Art Institute of Atlanta-Decatur Gallery, One West Court Square, Suite 110, Decatur, GA 30030. Gallery hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 am – 7 pm; Friday from 9 am to 5 pm (except on February 8), and Saturday from 9 am to 3 pm. For information or directions, call 404-942-1800 or online at
The ADC is the premier organization for integrated media and the first international creative collective of its kind. Founded in New York in 1920, the ADC is a self-funding, not-for-profit membership organization that celebrates and inspires creative excellence, connecting creative visual communications professionals from around the world.
The Art Institute of Atlanta is one of The Art Institutes (, a system of over 40 educational institutions throughout North America, providing an important source of design, media arts, fashion, and culinary arts professionals. The Art Institute of Atlanta has one satellite location, The Art Institute of Atlanta-Decatur, and three branch campuses: The Art Institute of Charleston (SC), The Art Institute of Tennessee-Nashville, and The Art Institute of Washington (Arlington, VA).
Monday, January 14, 2008
January at The Seen Gallery
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
Historic Postcard Exhibition
The Georgia Postcard Club meets the third Saturday of each month, Sept. thru June from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. at the Decatur Recreational Center, adjacent to the library. At many meetings dealers have cards for sale or members give presentations on their collections. The club will offer advice to anyone with postcards, whether its how to place them elsewhere, or evaluate them. For further information, call Ken Thomas at 404-377-4943 or Bob Basford at 770-926-2607.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Sycamore Gallery hosts the Breakfast Follies on New Year's Day
Theatre on the Prowl and Sycamore Place Gallery
The Break Fast Follies Bathrobe Brunch
Noon – 2 p.m. at Sycamore Place Gallery
120 Sycamore Place in Decatur
Eat, schmooze and enjoy visual & performing art in a relaxed atmosphere!
Cereal Box Art by Anthony Owsley & Friends
Celeste Miller, Movement Architect, meets Isadora Duncan
(and they have a lot to say to each other!)
Humorist Matt Huffman announces his candidacy
for Vice President
Appearances by Surprise Musical Guests
Suggested Donation: $25.00 per person
Suggested Attire: Morning Wear
For more info: Lesly (see above) or Sylvia at 404-377-7747 or