"Teenage Kicks” by Rose M Barron

The Adolescence series by Atlanta artist Rose M Barron, is a photographic study of youth as complex and engaging human beings. Ms Barron says, “This body of work focuses on gend er roles, behavior, and identity. Think back to adolescence and the images in your mind of what you thought you and your friends were like, this series captures the reality of the subtleness of this beautiful experience. Youth can be a time of soul searching for identity while also being consumed with their own image. It is a time of prime physical condition and vitality juxtaposed with feelings of uncertainty about self. My work presents the complexity of young people and encourages the viewer to engage in in their complex and engaging humanity.'
Opening reception featuring Atlanta resident and artist Rose M Barron, Friday May 23 from 7pm until 10pm.Refreshments will be served. Music entertainment will be provided. Everyone is welcome.
For additional information:please contact Sylvia Cross at 404 352 5938
sycsyl@yahoo.com or Rose M Barron 404 274 3227
rosembarron@hotmail.com http://www.rosembarron.com/Sycamore Place Gallery
120 Sycamore PlaceDecatur, GA 30030
404 377 7747 or 404 352 5938
Sycamore Place Gallery is located at 120 Sycamore Place, at the intersection of Commerce Drive, across from Capre Diem in Decatur.