The Doors of Decatur Community Art Project began in 2001, and has become a Decatur Arts Festival tradition. Unadorned doors are collected from neighborhoods and given to local artists, citizens and schools to transform into pieces of art. The project won a Silver Kaleidoscope Award for Best Community Program from the Southeastern Festival and Events conference.

The doors will be auctioned off on Saturday, May 26 at 5 pm during the Arts Festival. Take a stroll around the bandstand this week to decide which one you want to bid on. Below is a couple of detailed shots from a few of the doors.

I fell in love with the doors. I live in an apartment and can't change my doors but if I could...I saw several that would fit my personality. I especially loved the one with the quote on it!
I didn't get a chance to find out who the artist was...
what an amazing project. all of the doors are so beautiful, creative, and different. the diversity in the doors is a true testiment to the diversity in our community. "well done" to all the artists especially the youngers ones who have the courage to express themselves in such an open forum.
We'll have a Doors of Decatur brochure at the Door auction on Saturday, May 26 at 5 pm. We'll have all the artists and door titles listed, so you can find out who painted your favorite door.
Thanks for the comments!
I looooove this year's doors. So many! so different! I already have my eye on several. I'll go home with one I hope.
We even have two more doors coming Saturday morning!
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